Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If nuclear radiation comes to america and its bad what happens to inmates in jails who get sick?

If there is major radiation and everyone gets sick what happens to prisoners? Is there some law about this?If nuclear radiation comes to america and its bad what happens to inmates in jails who get sick?
They die and we as the tax payers get to save money on up keep.

No one is going to get sick. The radiation is going to fall into the sea, and even if some of it gets here, it won't be enough to make anyone sick. Even if the nuclear reactor in Japan completely melts down and explodes, there won't be more than a very small amount that makes it here.

You have to remember that we all get a little radiation every day anyway, from a variety of sources, some of them completely natural. If you get on a plane for a couple of hours, you'll get more radiation than you will from the reactor in Japan.

The law is that even the worst prisoners have a right to medical care. So they would be taken care of.If nuclear radiation comes to america and its bad what happens to inmates in jails who get sick?
Why the focus on prisoners? What an odd question...

There will not be major radiation coming to the US, at least not from Japan. If there was a radiation release of a different sort that threatened the US, prisoners would actually be better off than ordinary people. Many of them live in prisons with heavy walls and all the doors and windows are already sealed. They'd be well protected from any fallout. Who knows, maybe if the crisis was severe enough the prisoners would all get kicked out onto the streets so ordinary citizens could take shelter in the prisons?
They would get treated like everyone else. They are human after all.

And can you imagine the lawsuits the states that don't treat them would have to pay out? It would be a lot more than what it would cost to treat them. There is a thing called the 8th Amendment, and refusing to treat them just because they are in prison would be a violation of this.If nuclear radiation comes to america and its bad what happens to inmates in jails who get sick?
If you are talking about in Japan. WEll i dont think it will come to america and if it were and it wouldnt be extremely harmful, which it wont be, but if it was they would relocate people
Because they are incarcerated, they will probably get medical aid before the General Public! They have no place to go to help themselves!
They will be transferred if the leak is in the area, if it is everywhere then nothing will change.
Let them die. Most of them deserve to be executed anyway.

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