Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is the source of the radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum?

For my Enriched Science class I am supposed to find what the source is of the radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. A lot of different websites say different things. Some say natural sources, some say the sun, etc. Can you please help me? I will give best answer.

Oh and I am not like..."cheating" or whatever on my homework, the sheet is supposed to be filled out by going online.What is the source of the radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum?
There are many sources of EM radiation, both natural and man-made. In nature EM radiation is emitted by nuclear reactions in stars, but also by thermal radiation (heat radiating off of planets and other matter) and a number of other astronmical and physical phenomena. We use EM radiation for communication, measurement, imaging, cooking, and numerous other tasks.

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