Saturday, February 25, 2012

What happened to the news about the nuclear radiation leak in Japan?

The media reported on the Tsunami in Japan for days non-stop. Now they don't even mention the fact that there is radiation spilling out and a possible radiation fallout in Tokyo. And not to mention thousands of people brutally died and are many are still displaced. Shouldn't we be informed about what's going on? Are high levels of nuclear radiation in the atmosphere all of a sudden not a big deal any more?What happened to the news about the nuclear radiation leak in Japan?
I'm a Japanese.
I would like to express deep gratitude to all the people, organizations, and countries that have had concerns about the disaster and offered help to my affected fellows and our country Japan.
As one of the assisted nationals, I would like to tell you some of what I know now.

Now, here in Japan, the central, local governments, and Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO), the operator of damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant, conduct surveys and release the findings on radiation or radioactive substances almost every day.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

According to the survey, few radioactive substances have been detected in the atmosphere over Tokyo for more than ten days. If any, the level of it was far less harmful to people.

As for spreading of radioactive substances, it seems hydrogen explosions at the reactors in the damaged Fukushima plant triggered those materials release in the air. Now no explosion like that has occurred since May 15.

As for radiation leak from the crippled plants, monitored data announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology shows though many times the regulated levels of radiation were detected in some areas around 30 km from the plant, no high level radiation was detected in the areas farther than 50 km from the plant. ( Tokyo is about 200 km far.)

As for restoration at the plant, high level radiation and contaminated debris prevent workers from continuous steady progress. Things are going back and forward.

From these, the possibility of immediate radiation fallout is considered low.
Media must have got no big news these days.

I hope this could ease you.
- the fact that there is radiation spilling out and a possible radiation fallout in Tokyo

I have no idea where you got that garbage from, but it's not correct. If anything, the situation shows how safe nuclear power is. Consider that forty year old plants were hit with an earthquake five times the strength they were designed for and yet they still shut down safely. The generators came on like they were supposed to when grid power was cut. Then the tsunami hit and the generators were wiped out. However, the battery backup still worked for the designed eight hours. The problem happened when no new generators could be put in. Even so the problems have been minimal--media scare mongering for ratings not withstanding.

Here is an informative article describing the situation:鈥?/a>

And here is where you find current, factual status information:鈥?/a>
Historical status:鈥?/a>

And a slide presentation that describes the effects:鈥?/a>

And here is a chart that helps make sense of the numbers:

Of course, media news these days is only entertainment, and scare stories bring in the most ratings.What happened to the news about the nuclear radiation leak in Japan?
I think that high levels of radiation in the atmosphere are a big deal, and this is why there is a media blackout. When the media doesn't tell us what is happening with serious matters, it is quite suspicious.
I looked today all over the internet for any new reports on Fukushima, and March 29 was the newest one I could find.
You might look at RT reports on YouTube, as I've been. Russian news seems to be covering this better than our 'free (sup)press' US media.
I keep running into posts from this guy. He seems to know what he's talking about
Just shows you how important the subjects that are shouted about in our news really are. The Fukushima reactor meltdown has joined the "mosque at ground zero", "anti-immigrant legislation" and a host of other controversial and/or important headlines and disappeared.

The Japanese are still reporting on it and it's where I get my news re the quake. happened to the news about the nuclear radiation leak in Japan?
We have to find out on our own, just like everything else.

Fukushimi reactors were designed by General Electric = NBC = Huge Political Donor = No Radiation News from the controlled government or the controlled mainstream media.鈥?/a>
As horrible as the nuclear radiation leak and the Japanese tragedy are, we lost hundreds of our fellow citizens in the tornado outbreaks yesterday and that should get our attention at the moment.
well why worry the world or at least america hey lets all sit back and watch the shotgun wedding taking place over the pond the one with the fairy who got his on more off than on girlfriend pregers and is being forced to marry her
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