Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What kind of heat does radiation from spent uranium create?

Also, is there a metal that can stop radiation completely. The reason being is because, I'm trying to come up with and idea to create energy. I basically have a concept idea that requires spent uranium to be encased in a small object that is virtually "indestructible" and can prevent rad poisoning. Does such a object exist?What kind of heat does radiation from spent uranium create?
Well, "virtually indestructible" is a tall order, but there are radioisotope generators used in satellites that are based on the same idea, though they don't use "spent uranium"What kind of heat does radiation from spent uranium create?
hot heatWhat kind of heat does radiation from spent uranium create?
Well the heat from the uranium would just be latent heat from radioactive decay dispersing into the surrounding environment. Technically nothing can FULLY contain heat forever which is the concept of a true isolated system. Radiation has 3 different forms. Alpha, Gamma, and Beta. While things can stop Alpha and Beta particles, its very difficult to stop Gamma.

An example of how a theory like yours works would be the core of the earth. Its heated from pressure and radioactive decay. So for it to happen, it kinda needs to be on a large scale =/
  • textbook
  • acura tsx
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