Sunday, March 4, 2012

What are the long term effects of brain radiation?

My grandfather received brain radiation over two years ago and is now showing side effects of this and my mom is saying he could die from this and he doesnt have very long, is this true? :(

can a person die from the effects of brain radiation?What are the long term effects of brain radiation?
Radiation therapy to the brain (particularly whole brain irradiation) can cause delayed cognitive problems as well as other problems such as damage or destruction of brain tissue ("radiation necrosis"). This rarely causes death directly with modern limits on the amount of radiation delivered.

Another significant issue is the reason why radiation of the brain was performed. Most commonly, this is for cancer (although there are other reasons for certain forms of radiotherapy, such as treatment of vascular malformations). In many cases, radiation is given for cancers of the brain that are not "curable", although the individual circumstances vary greatly from person to person.

Best wishes for your grandfather.

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