Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is the radiation level at the surface of Jupiter?

Jupiter has a large and strong magnetosphere. From my readings it looks like there is little to no radiation inside the magnetopause. What I'd like to find out is what the radiation level, in rads/hour is as at the Jovian surface (as defined by the radius at which the pressure is 1 atm). Even better would be the radiation level in rads/hour as a function of distance, say in the equitorial plane. Any websites with the information would be welcome too.What is the radiation level at the surface of Jupiter?
Can't answer your question, but I was all piqued to blow the whole thing away by telling you that Jupiter is a Gas Giant. And Gas Giants have no surface. But, since you defined the surface level as 1 earth atm (which isn't exactly congrous, since Jupiters dimension is literally 1000's of times greater than earths), I don't have a chance to do that.. Good luck on your search.
From what i have read we don't know. in order to get a good reading we would need to get a probe to the surface, there are two problems with that, we can't get a probe to the surface, it would just burn up in the atmosphere, and even if we could we couldn't get a radio signal back out of the atmosphere.What is the radiation level at the surface of Jupiter?
In any way it is less than Earths.
about 4,000 times stronger than the lethal dose.What is the radiation level at the surface of Jupiter?
Well If you are capable of taking the reading that you say you have taken then you already have your answer

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